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Hey gorgeous, we're happy you're here! Want to speak to an aesthetician? Book your free 15 minute discovery call to learn more about The Gold Method services and offerings.

Chemical Peels

Whether you are looking to treat uneven skin texture, struggle with acne scars or are looking to just improve your overall skin tone, a chemical peel can be beneficial for most skin types. Chemical peels can reduce or improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, uneven skin and other skin imperfections. Different chemicals determine the depth of your peel and type of skin condition treated.

With many different peel solutions (from a light lactic peel to a deeper retinol or Jessner peel) to choose from at The Gold Method, our peels are designed to leave your skin radiant and youthful by customizing your chemical peel to your skin type and needs.

Is there any downtime?:
Some peels will leave your skin a little flushed for a few hours, while others can produce peeling and redness for several days. Your aesthetician will asses your needs to determine the best treatment plan for your specific concerns and lifestyle.

How many treatments will I need?:
The number of chemical peels depends on several factors and your specific needs. However, for long term maintenance, it's something that most people do every 4-6 weeks indefinitely to maintain skin texture, radiance and youthful skin.

It’s important to avoid direct sunlight for at least a week after your peel and apply sunscreen daily.

*Schedule an appointment with The Gold Method to create a treatment plan suited to exactly what you need!


Notes about booking:

  • Discontinue any active ingredients, retinol or vitamin a derivatives 7 days prior to treatment.
  • Do not book with any brow services as it could compromise the integrity of the skin. If you've recently had any facial waxing please wait 8-10 days before booking.
  • Do not book if you have an active cold sore.